1. What is the function of the CPU?
The CPU is the heart of the computer.
2. What was the name of the first CPU?
The name of the first CPU was the intel 8080.
3. Referring to the graph on page 2 of the article, describe how the speed of CPU's has changed:
The speed of CPU's today compared to the older ones is significantly faster. To the point where MIPS ratings lose alot of their meaning.
4. What does MIPS measure?
MIPS measure instructions per second. It stands for " millions of instructions per second".
5. Research what is a dual core processor, what is multitasking and how do the two work together:
A dual core processor is a CPU with two seperate cores, each with its own cache. It's the same as two microprocessors in one.
Multitasking is when you handle two seperate tasks at the same time.
The two work together because the dual core processor has to seperate cores meaning it's multitasking, doing seperate tasks between the two cores.
Read the article about the Intel Atom processor then post about what benefits this processor offers mobile devices:
The benefits are:
- A new range of power-efficient devices.
- Highly integrated application processor.
- Smaller, more compact designs.
- Low power options.
- better performance and increased system responsiveness.
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